TRU Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching

Month: October 2024

Researching with Soul and Intentionality: A New Era of SoTL Research

Researching with Soul and Intentionality: A New Era of SoTL Research

by Dr. Tanya Manning-Lewis and Dr. Alexis Brown

It is not a coincidence that Alexis and I are co-writing this piece on new ways to think about SoTL research. We have talked about this many times over the course of the year as we feel a sense of urgency to disrupt traditional ‘academic’ research. It is not lost on us that research that works out of different kinds of logic that are embedded in ‘non-linear relationships and flows (Law and Urry, 2004) is often seen as transgressing traditional forms of research bound to objectivity. But why is that? Why does non-linear, collaborative, and post-humanist research threaten the “predictable order” of research (Allen, 2023)? SoTL Scholars Potter and Raffoul (2023) reason that we need room for the humanities and non-traditional research to be a part of the SoTL research community, and this requires more nuanced ways of thinking about SoTL research.  As colleagues who share this view, we are bound by our desire to push the boundaries of SoTL research. In doing this work, we often ask ourselves, what exactly is SoTL research, and what does this look like through trans-disciplinary and interdisciplinary lenses?

The CELT 2023-2024 SoTL Scholars program cohort revealed much about trans-disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to research. It was fascinating to be a part of the cohort of scholars and witness the vastly different ways our colleagues were engaging in their SoTL scholarship and research. Collectively, we aim to deepen our understanding of our scholarship of teaching, but our different disciplinary backgrounds have us embedded in particular ways we view and think about research. Some of us leaned into traditional forms, while others were drawn to challenge the hegemony of mechanical and technical methodologies, privileging instead the principles that research is not and never can be an innocent, neutral or value-free endeavour. As we dug into the messiness of research in our many cohort meetings, it was evident that, at times, we were drawn back to the predictable order of research. It was clearly difficult to make that jump to research outside of the bounds of ‘academic work.’

As Bochner (2014) muses, we need to write and research with soul- to embrace that we are flawed, messy and complicated human beings (and SoTL scholars) engaging in complex work, as our colleague Natasha Ramroomp Singh argued in her post last month. But is it possible to engage in research in this manner without seeming to be a threat to the field of SoTL or to our original academic disciplines? Does SoTL create the space to deconstruct, disrupt and reconstruct research that creates new possibilities? The short answer is yes. We had many wonderful conversations and breakthroughs in our SoTL meetings that revealed that there is space for new ways of thinking about research.

The longer answer involves embracing the discomfort and messiness that come with real, lived teaching and research experiences. We know this can be unsettling as there are often many questions about maintaining rigour in research. To be clear, rigour looks different in different types of research, and the qualitative researcher is as committed to rigour as any other field. But it is also important to acknowledge that researchers engaging in non-traditional research do the work of positioning themselves in the research and engaging in reflexivity. This reflexivity ensures a thoughtful, credible approach to data collection where authenticity and depth of the engagement take precedence. This is what SoTL research represents for some of us- the opportunity to engage deeply with our work.

At its core, SoTL is not just about researching pedagogy; it is a community-engaged process where we learn and grow together, constantly refining our understanding of teaching and learning. It challenges us to collaborate with our students as co-researchers and co-learners, bridging gaps between the classroom, research, and lived experiences. Through transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary lenses, SoTL offers a space to expand beyond rigid frameworks, experiment with methodologies that value complexity, and embrace research that is inherently reflexive and relational. It can feel risky to step away from conventional research, but this is precisely where SoTL offers immense possibility. It can be the space where we disrupt and ultimately reconstruct research in ways that can be transformative for ourselves and our students. The very nature of the work pushes us to engage differently with knowledge creation, inviting us to learn from one another, our students, and the communities around us. We are excited by this prospect and what the future cohorts of SoTL Scholars will offer as we continue these conversations.



Allen, A. (2023). The death of thought: Reading Bataille in the ruins of a university. Research in Education, 119(1), 65–78.

Bochner, A. P. (2014). Coming to narrative: A personal history of paradigm change in the human sciences (1st ed.). Routledge.

Law, J., & Urry, J. (2004). Enacting the social. Economy and Society, 33(3), 390–410.

Potter, M. K., & Raffoul, J. (2023). Engaged alienation: SoTL, inclusivity, and the problem of integrity. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 17(1), Article 2.

Embracing the irony of exploring SoTL as an imperfect educator

by Dr. Natasha Ramroop Singh


Simmons (2020) analyzed the dynamics affecting *SoTL practitioners and outlined the 4M framework which identifies factors that either encourage or hinder scholars from pursuing SoTL. Four levels of influence were identified – the Micro or individual level, the Meso or department/program level, the Macro or institutional level, and the Mega or beyond the institutional level. In this blog post, I will explore the micro level – factors intrinsic to the individual which affect ones ability or desire to explore research within the classroom.

Effective teaching is a performance art. In the classroom, the instructor must be vibrant, powerful, excited, passionate, knowledgeable, and dare I say, happy. Students now are hyper attuned to when they are bored, and can easily resort to scrolling on Instagram to get that hit of dopamine they crave. Long gone are the days when students were responsible for the level of interest placed upon course content for their own success. It is now the instructor’s responsibility to sing, dance, act and tic-toc our way through classes.

I can be funny and outgoing under the right suite of conditions, but generally, being in front of a group of students, especially in CT 200 on a Friday at 4:00 pm where I seem to always get scheduled, makes me a downright swamp animal. But, I am a professional, so I always get the job done. Do I think I operate at full capacity at all times? Perhaps not. My students’ evaluation of teaching certainly tells me I can do more – more practise questions, more images, less words on slides, write slower, talk slower, smile, be more approachable, perform Act 5 Scene 5 of Shakespeare’s Macbeth…..It is clear I have things to work on and improve.

But guess what? I love my job. I thoroughly enjoy the dynamics of being an academic and the opportunities that come my way. As someone who is always striving for excellence, I care deeply about my student’s perception of me, and I want to be able to make a positive impact on their learning and ultimately their lives. That’s why it’s ok for me to be a SoTL Scholar. It’s ok for me to reconcile the fact that I am imperfect, and study my imperfect techniques in the classroom.

SoTL represents an opportunity for me to engage with teaching in a more intellectual and reflective manner. It allows me to apply research methodologies to my teaching practices, critically analyze the outcomes, and contribute to the broader academic discourse on education. SoTL offers a way to blend my passion for teaching with my interest in research, potentially leading to innovations in pedagogy that benefit students.

This is to me, a very conscious and personal decision – to want to critically reflect on what I do, and how I do it, all towards the goal of being more effective, more respected and more fulfilled, as I leave CT 200 on a Friday evening at 5:30 pm.

By striking a balance between research and practical teaching, educators can ensure that our scholarly efforts translate into meaningful improvements in the classroom, ultimately benefiting the students we aim to serve. As the law of dialectics states – truth emerges from the clash of ideas – so if you are thinking about exploring SoTL, and you know you are an imperfect educator, I urge you to embrace the paradox.


Interested in learning how to engage in scholarly inquiry on teaching and learning, or seeking research funding to support your SoTL scholarship? Watch for exciting announcements from CELT coming out this Fall!


* TRU’s definition of SoTL is: A research-based approach to investigating and improving teaching and learning practices in postsecondary education. Faculty members who conduct SoTL contribute to the field of teaching and learning by using rigorous research methods and disseminating their findings, making them available for critique and replication.


Simmons, N. (2020). The 4M framework as analytic lens for SoTL’s impact: A study of seven scholars. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 8(1).

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